
Musical Language Workshop

This workshop offers students the chance to deepen their knowledge of composers, pieces, and fundamental points in music history through attending a series of concert-lessons. In each class session the performance will be preceded by an introductive lesson based in theory and critique. 

The workshop's purpose is to introduce students to the great repertoire of art music through live performances and the study of various genres and compositional forms. 

The professor in charge of the workshop is the Professor Giovanni Vacca. 

Participation in the musical language workshop gives students 6 credits from the university. Traditionally, the course is approved for students enrolled in Philosophy, Communications (undergraduate and graduate), History, and Humanities degrees. In any case, before the start of lessons, it is best that each student verifies with their academic secretary that it is possible to insert this course into their plan for graduation. 

Attendance will be taken through signatures upon arrival and departure, which must be given at every concert-lesson. 

Students whose attendance meets the requirements will be invited to take the final exam, which will consist of a multiple choice exam curated by Roma Tre Orchestra, based on exam texts specified by the professor responsible for the workshop. 

The 6 credits will be given solely to the students who pass the final exam. 

To enroll in the workshop, students must send an email to, stating their correct first and last name, degree program, and student ID number. 

The details of the workshop lessons will be published on this page of the Roma Tre Orchestra website, which manages all of the logistical and organizational elements of the course. 


(translation by Jewel Taylor) 


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