Who We Are


Professor Roberto Pujia

Professor of Philosophy and Linguistics

Professor Pujia has done studies and research on logical Atomism, with particular focus on F.H. Bradley's referential theory on the significance of monism, on neopositivist philosophy, on the epistemology of Karl Popper, on L. Wittgenstein's philosophy of language, on D. Davidson and on the philosophical, semiotic, and cognitive aspects of translation. 
He was previously the President of the Academic Board of Communication Sciences at Roma Tre University. 
He is a visiting professor at Helsinki University and at Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina).
He is a member of many scientific associations, and was President of the Società Filosofica Romana (Rome Philosophical Society). 
He has collaborated with RAI on their cultural programs by organizing interviews and round tables with prominent figures in contemporary thought (K. Popper, I. Prygogine). 
He was a member of the Board of Directors of Roma Tre University. 
The President is the legal representative of the Association, presides over the Board of Directors, ensures that the by-laws are observed, and is responsible for executing the decisions of the Board of Directors.
(translation by Jewel Taylor) 

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